Thursday, September 05, 2019

Porkins Policy Radio 195 JP Sottile on Empire and Climate change & Jon G...
virtuous and ethical innumeracy anyone ??

Much work about that forthcoming ... but this serves as a first warning shot across the not quite too tightly knitted brow ... as an intro for water into rock 'throwtherizzum' (link below) ... via a colourful detour, thru circuitous routery, past the nerdery one can only hope shall never weaponize, .. and waaaaaay beyond counting out childplay by Peace Calendar man Jose Arguelles / 'Volum Votan'

a homepage housekeeping note on just how to make the colours come out (Jose's greatest talent btw, i personally witnessed the staircase of the College he attended in the early seventies, Evergreen, .. yeah, the one that went vanguard sjw / plastic disease flame out in recent years ... good accounts on that via the youtube channel run by Benjamin Boyce).
.... i'm not sure at what point browser coding switched to the more modular meanings for '/font' but i do know that the original glory that graces the screen of my 2006 1.2G processor sporting box upstairs, is available via the editor i tested my handcoding them with:

intro for water into rock throwtherizzum via a colourful detour, thru circuitous routery, past the nerdery one can only hope shall never weaponize, .. and waaaaaay beyond counting out childplay by Peace Calendar man  JOSÉ ARGÜELLES [Jose Arguelles / 'Volum Votan']

see 'intro for water into rock throwtherizzum' for more
... like how to make the colours come out (Jose's greatest talent btw, i personally witnessed the staircase of the College he attended in the early seventies, Evergreen, .. yeah, the one that went vanguard sjw / plastic disease flame out in recent years ... good accounts on that via the youtube channel run by Benjamin Boyce).
.... i'm not sure at what point browser coding switched to the more modular meanings for '/font' but i do know that the original glory that graces the screen of my 2006 1.2G processor sporting box upstairs, is available via the editor i tested my handcoding them with:

virtuous and ethical innumeracy anyone ??

Much work about that forthcoming ... but this serves as a first warning shot across the not quite too tightly knitted brow ... as an intro for water into rock 'throwtherizzum' (link below) ... via a colourful detour, thru circuitous routery, past the nerdery one can only hope shall never weaponize, .. and waaaaaay beyond counting out childplay by Peace Calendar man Jose Arguelles / 'Volum Votan'

a homepage housekeeping note on just how to make the colours come out .... i'm not sure at what point browser coding switched to the more modular meanings for '/font' but i do know that the original glory (the colour bars at the top cycling through the whole file, one a day) is available via the editor i built them with:

added k55 image from

Peace Calendar man Jose Arguelles [JOSÉ ARGÜELLES] (sorry, i'm failing to adjust that 'name')

there's 13 files there (the oldest material with only a few pages for the first 16 years and taking of from 2002 onwards) ... the 31 files here cover the subsequent years up to 2018

A further note on colours
It applies to all the 'later' files of this whole collection, but especially to the 'JA' section [which] i am electing to park at 'ahead of the pack' so to speak, hah!!

I chose to begin with JA (part mexican american, art historian buddhist drunk, global cult leading recluse savant weaving a web of numerical intrigue, borrowing liberally from peers in that field like all plagiaristic respect payers do) .. to bolster that cause and make their case ... even more suspect ... as the case may be) BYCAUSE although I was a 'block on that boner' [bad translation of 'blok aan dat been'] and consistently ignored for that reason

.. BUT ALSO BYCAUSE i think numeracy, even more than plain literacy, steals and then perpetually distracts ....

[hochstaplerei, every stage/story declared the new 'ground' till runaway .. not lift off but 'bottom outdrop reached. JA claims he knows what squandered mars, squanders earth and god knows, might get stop us getting to [fuck up] venus ... ?? where were we?? ... oh yeah]

.... distracts
... from my INnumeracy rehabilitation / PRElit or grounded literacy as a phase worthy of being treated as well as we mistreat neoteny now (a sly ref to Andrew Lehman's work [free book at], for whom i did not make a 'separate' 'split-off' section to the tune of 7Mb).

.. YET [LASTingLY] BEAK AWEZ i wish to express my respect for JA which also speaks from the fact i 'pub' his 'shtick' related notes [7Mb*] now, to celebrate my galactic age of 84 ..
* = but that number swelled considerably on the same account i already mentioned, which makes 'separate' not so much ... that is to say i added notes about, comments towards and quotes from at least 2 others who figure large in my surfage effects on life and who suffer similar biases: Bob [Dobbs] Dean and Drew Hempel (the latter first mentioned in 06, the former a little later).

260 x 84 = 21840 + 535 (2 'tzolks' and 15 days more today since my birth) .. so i'd be 86[ed] now
22375 : 441 (a derivative of the number of minutes in a day i learn today from MR TACPANS) = 50,736961451 ... i don't mess with these things all that much actually .. dating is either absent or chaotic thru-out the first half of this decades spanning note pile ...
..... and so once i do start making earnest efforts, i have too little practice and respect ... not to mention residue resentment to exactitude [you sure she won't explode in your face once you see to getting her naked? really??] to work thru ... but i did give myself some time trying ... and decided i'm not a fan ... remain unfanatic .. happy to give all that a pass in fact ... in favor of a 'final' solution and period, see note below).

recent also:
jain on 108 .. and the relation between 9 and 12 (kin 90 is a crystal / 12 tone and i know it well cause it was my mom's)

recent message to tmq (she appears around 2011 in this collection): the colours don't come out unless viewed thru an older browser, then each day will have it's tone colour ... you know what's funny .... you're the only person i actually ever skyped with ...

[22:14:04] Active Rooter: woops, not true ... i was on a group call with DD once .. whose vids on my account were all privated and notes taken out of my collection (for the most part anyway). there's enough leftie fascism already, no need to promote it.

this is the first installment of planned 'pubs' (parkings, 'aan de dijk zetsels', archivage) of my notes covering the oldest raggy handful of handwritten ones i saved up and began to digitize in the late eighties, then refined and expanded upon in the early nineties .... supplemented with surfage derived stellation and struttery to nearly now almost 40 years later since then on top of that.

coming soon
[Collection Sections] Up next (soon, if the response to this is nihil, which i fully expect .. to continue):
Dutch (3.7Mb),
German (1.2Mb)
and the mix (6Mb, a blend of gender, permaculture and semitizzums related 'sitage')


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