AfD-Landrat: Wahlkrimi in Saale-Orla! (Livestream)
anderthalb stunden nach ami model quasi .... [?] ..
30/01 ----------------- 11wind ---- k102 ---- 21/06: {lot} - 03/02: {ctc}
is mulitpolarity an exclusively global concept or is there a local version?
the dutch like to speak of their famed coalition / compromise .. or used to .. as 'pillars' [verzuiling = verb form = bubble culture ... not even close to present 'screendamage' [per]version though, but more like that PSloterdijk foam/froth type models for psychosocial dynamics which kinda fits w work Pim Conradi pioneered full time.
[Building bubbles / domes from waste material recycled with his bare hands ... 'ik wil bolletje' was his attempt to reground a radio/tv ad phrase by a fluffy cracker bakery brand - he met BFuller in the flesh]
left and right compete for moneyfirehose control and seem to agree on the best possible and/or only valid tactic:
saw the legs of the chairs they use from under them ... it's post deconstruction politics ...
righties live along a spectrum as diverse as root and crowndweller differences
amish at the bottom, rapacious corpsecratliners cranin their nex for take off chances they won't miss for the world ... in the process of which an awful bunch goes wrong and toxic affecting their own offspring immediately and slowly generalizing
did i mention self-sabotage yet
they fail to recognize themselves in their own offspring, result of said stupidities nevertheless
these creatures are disowned and/or abandon the heritage they either feel or know has a 'weeffout' .. a weffie let's say .. and they 'grow' / desert to the cities, traditionally places for those unfit for landlabour / and/or w rare talents.
the left uses psychosocial trix to reign in and milk the right in order to make them pay for the shit i described above. they figure poisoners can and must be stopped, those making a living that way cannot be reasoned with and cannot be made to quit coldturkey while acquiring a whole and wholly to unfamiliar new skillset.
Alas, the latter group may indeed not ever master any other other than kneejerk compatible calculation methods but they sure don't see themselves as perpetrator, traiter, victim and/or 'zorgmijdend' patient. Instead, they bloody well resent anyone who does, and will full one hate those who think bleedin chaos is better than no change .. w fatal consequences, once a head of steam stars arollin
So, the info pathways. the media .. for millenia somehow, .. have been loaded with bias to the point now barely one in 100 million has not only sufficient awareness of it but the means to disseminate it to that many or even a mere 10 besides.
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