Wednesday, March 05, 2025

von kommissar bis neocon in 100Jahr

KOMMuss-R wird neocon bearin a crossroad with him ... die kreuzung ist natuerlich zwischen eine genaue so [FALSCHe!!!! / gespielte] verreckstau teupfui teufelstreu gespielte WiderKrachterei un gegnerschaft wie die zwischen 'nazis und zionazis, beide genauso respektlos gegenueber blut u boden wie die stosstrupp vordenker und 'entwickler' von fracktek glyphosate und was sonst alles zu- und auffaellig praezise in die verschrieenen protokollerkram passen .. und dabei fortdauernd globaler allerhand leben ein elendsende setzende die luegenkeulen und bloxkopf lippen auf rabbihaatsigster schwindelschwung halten

05/03 --- 7Crocon -- -- k241---- 27/08: {lot}

i'll eat my hat if these are not the illegitimate sons of kommisars occupying the northern turtle isles pursuing their biocidal 'drives' unchecked, as tumblroids in this case ... pathetic .... they simply do not understand the played/false opposition between nazi and zio kommisarites .. cause it is enacted by ukies and americans .. descendants of the 'countless' [are you hearing me whistle the 6Miljun dogsong?] recuiller pour mieux sauter ... did they enter thru quebec more than any other way? ... it was shippin time after all ... now it's [just as inherently kommie, the thing they are supposedly o so nontransparantly larping opposition to and over] as chippin time ... no, not yar chip, rub and knock rock ..a much much more abstracted form of chaingangsterism to go with, trigger and engender more toxix Milyonbiolemminjizzum chymes
------- plyin favors with and for, under protection of, the most dangerous [a top trauma segment, a splinter sect, a violence cultivatin cult] is equiv. and synon. w betraying the vast majority who have not waylaid these types to gather, concentrate and fortify. Look at how long it takes to bash thru their defenses with the entirety of whimpiest yet richest west helping 3 yearz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

atheist anticommie with lots of vintage
+281 .. 321 4hl
purest schizotiani[ty]ms'
how can they say Russia broke lots of ceasefires since 2014 unless they .. concede and without concession that donbas was russian officially already .. anticipating 'verwegnehmend' a post vote fact .. at a time scotland was cheated out of theirs btw

amazing 4team dance:

soviet tank in the spanish civil war .. looks like a hottub on linkbelted wheels [2 large, 8 small]
6 notes in 1w

ich haette gerne ein kleines andenken, ... eine liste von mitmenschen die ebenfalls merkten dass Vance ein schluesselwort sprach und dafuer vorarbeit leisteten:


Seminar Teil 6  Biophysik   LICHT mit Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - K-Scan 1


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