Sunday, October 03, 2021

Pottinger's Potted Plants

"structured pseudo nano particle" [GW near the end of 4 hours], aerosolized by erik traub [bad nazi mossad] and relayed via Ft Dietrich where he ended up in the early fifties,
He claims corona is cover for a bioterrorist hi-t savantcult's deadly influenza, the type more than a handful of biped adjacent species are susceptible to .. and can thus vector
half hour earlier he claimed half of the dutch ferrets slated for destruction along with all danish ones, couldn't be accounted for and wonders if that's bycause they were 'busy' [sent to Wuhan] disguised as gourmet for infecting soldiers at the super spreader event, as a side dish to the fishes that were subject of Assange's last tweet, which had Bavari involved, a solid link to Ft Dietrich if there ever war one, easier to find than his present 'targets, much harder to reveal.

halfway thru yesterday i shared this 5h program once already:

George Webb KissPott zinger ballistory
Pottinger's Potted Plants ------ Started streaming 40 minutes ago ------ Citizen Journo Research Road Show ---494 subscribers

5h show .. Craig Murray did write ups on Bell Pottinger, ancestor to present bad guys

Bridget Ashmore
Bridget Ashmore
6 hours ago
Ivermectin hasn’t been approved by FDA  for COVID-19. NIH has studies/cinical trials posted with varying results.
1 second ago
it will soon be hounded, cropped, clipped, scattered and diehards prosecuted like these guys:

J Smith
J Smith
8 hours ago
Make an Oconus Lure mug.

Back to the flyers: A Pottinger v. Fauci meme taped on sign posts around the neighborhood would be fun. Add a couple of question/prompts: "When did you know Covid could become a pandemic". CDC would be a good place to tag.
if you're focused on 'kop van jut' kermis attrakties, you're unlikely to be related to J Russell Smith of "tree crops" fame, am i right? Just as likely tho, some cabal spilled something onto or into your line. Mark is hopeful, i am desperate .. to the point i don't even want to put a spin on 'genadedood' rocks on their way, nor could i.


everything runs in families .. most massive of mass murdering tricks do too .. hence my book subtitle: bloodlines and ideologies

assuming the mug content will be 'good' .. aren't they mislabeled?? Their lifespan will slip from those in the know, guiding the intended convo starter rites ...  then default becomes just another Frankist trick to finagle blessings from unsuspected 'i'll drink to||'ginst' that confusers with i'll drink from that? Why don't you ditch that very tangled skein [kluwen] for sponsored food lodging and transport near Rotterdam George? Cause 'nobody' offered? niemandbekent is one of my blogspots [it has double meaning: nobody fesses up .. a nobody is an unknown, due great respect for transversing across the chain of beings .. but perhaps very lost and in dire need of the type of formidable rock mentioned in another comment
assuming the mug content will be 'good' .. aren't they mislabeled?? Their lifespan will slip from those in the know you know ..those guiding the intended convo starter rites ...  then default dictates just another Frankist trick to finagle blessings from unsuspecting 'i'll drink to||'ginst' that confusers with i'll drink from that, rite?
Why don't you ditch that very tangled skein [kluwen] for sponsored food lodging and transport near Rotterdam George? Cause 'nobody' offered? niemandbekent is one of my blogspots [nobody fesses up .. a nobody is not 'bekend' but an unknown, due great respect for transversing across the chain of beings .. per good Romamperical Mossclad ... duh bad side specialized in erasure ...protojesuit nazionists guantanamoed jesus in fort chester says Ralph Ellis and unlike the latter's climate lepsis, this [intro- / intra- / entrelineurial space' propelled] leap rings true to me. That said, a present day nobody is only marginally more lost and in dire need of the type of formidable rock mentioned in another comment than the rest of hominidity

Bridget Ashmore
Bridget Ashmore
6 hours ago
Diversity of hemp…….
0 seconds ago
why is your seventh point the third in asci magic ?


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