Thursday, February 27, 2020
Thursday, February 20, 2020
L. Randall Wray - Modern Money Theory for Beginners
L. Randall Wray - Modern Money Theory for Beginners
47K views --- Apr 25, 2018 -- 910:61 -- St. Francis College
3.21K subscribers
Pronator Tendon
Pronator Tendon
1 year ago
I enjoy all of Prof. Wray's lectures. He, Warren Mosler, Bill Mitchell, Steven Hail, Stephanie Kelton and Ellis Winningham have thoroughly upended my macroeconomic worldview, and the bulk of my politics along with it. They're all such great educators, and each has their own anecdotes to make relating to monetary policy far easier.
you are pretty much the exception in these here comments. Wray's method is obviously counterproductive. HIs mistake is to emphasize the state too much. in the mid eighties i used 'parables' such as how money began as a treasure map / promise with a 'claim by date' which the emitters used to pay with and had to accept back in exchange delivering whatever nomination specified, making themselves repute securing redeemers. Money was of course as diverse as production itself, at least at the bottom ... problems arise from bundling tricks. Have you ever listened to Bethany McLean????
47K views --- Apr 25, 2018 -- 910:61 -- St. Francis College
3.21K subscribers
Pronator Tendon
Pronator Tendon
1 year ago
I enjoy all of Prof. Wray's lectures. He, Warren Mosler, Bill Mitchell, Steven Hail, Stephanie Kelton and Ellis Winningham have thoroughly upended my macroeconomic worldview, and the bulk of my politics along with it. They're all such great educators, and each has their own anecdotes to make relating to monetary policy far easier.
you are pretty much the exception in these here comments. Wray's method is obviously counterproductive. HIs mistake is to emphasize the state too much. in the mid eighties i used 'parables' such as how money began as a treasure map / promise with a 'claim by date' which the emitters used to pay with and had to accept back in exchange delivering whatever nomination specified, making themselves repute securing redeemers. Money was of course as diverse as production itself, at least at the bottom ... problems arise from bundling tricks. Have you ever listened to Bethany McLean????
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Homöopathie - Heilung oder Humbug? | SWR Doku
wedn 19th of feb, 50th dotY ::::: k222 = 1wind
Law of Time Calendar : 13 galactic : 203th dotSolarRound
Cosmic Turtle Calendar : 25 lunar : 53th dotSolarRound
2311d sinds .. 15th tzolkin wave
Homöopathie - Sanfte Medizin oder Hokuspokus? | Doku | ARTE
ARTEde - 38K views ... damit lohnt sich mein Besuch voll .. danke ... auch wenn dein Video mir gar nix gfallen wuerde ... s ist aber gut so
re: 10. Minute - also ... hahneman: schuetter / schuettel :::: steiner: ruehr ... und ich habe die grossen skeptiker ausgelacht weil sie Ho'patie nit schnallten .... oopsie. Mikro was auch immer aber, wirkt immer am besten ... Zuwendung zum IntimSphere um routinen richtung kreislauf bei zu biegen ist immer am wirksamsten nach weit aussen woher u von wo sowieso vieles kommt also auch wo vieles hinkommt ... geruch : duft -- dunkel : licht -- rauch oder frischem staub .. genau da hin geblasen wo es direkt benaesst und gebraucht wird als nachschub fuer VollSpektrum bodenLeben ... wenn wir es schaffen diese micro wesen alle kriegfuehrung zu ueberlassen koennen sie uns dafuer in frieden belassen ... wenn aber sie unsere suenden ]lese: gifte] zu tragen kriegen, verweigern sie die bearbeitungsbitte und schicken es umgehend zu - in Canadischen Grossstaedte wo abfuhrschlamm verduennt wurde (alles andere als teuflischer potenzierung also) und als kompost verteilt sind mittlerweile die hormon verheerungen in form von geschlechterstreit bis in die hoechsten gerichtvorgaenge aufge...klotst? ... -braust?
sehr viel strafferer ton hier:
Homöopathie - Heilung oder Humbug? | SWR Doku
67K views -- Jan 29 - SWR Doku
33.8K subscribers
iris hundertmark nimmt HMittel aus ihre apotheke raus ... aber wird ihre riesennase auch nicht geschmusslos entfernen koennen
dann ist von morddrohungen die rede
Homeopathie starr u dogmatisch?
Homeopathie Kritik macht es besser, immer die Formel wie hier, nur dass die naechste noch herabwuerdigender sein muss weil die letzte es nit war. Mann kann solche serialitaet nit serioes nehmen, mehr noch nit weil die BioDynamik (ruehren statt schuetteln leute) ganz ausser acht bleibt. Ich bevorzuge selber die weniger krisenotgriff und schwebewesen geschmack her tragender 'hertrag', schoen viel steinmehl, uberal da wo verwesen soll .. und immer schoen lichtschau auf in schwere wolken reingepustete dankworte ... sonst wird's nix mit wuestenmemen anfaelligkeits-schluss, dan widerstands-aufbau ... und bedenke rechtzeitig ihr andersglauebigen, ohne allerstrengsten schutz gegen pharmaffiya sonst wirkt man umsonst, die kleinsten mengen aus den industriellen chemie kuechen verderben schon allen alles.
Monday, February 17, 2020
February 17, 2020 Schiff Strzok and Qaddafi’s Missiles
... and that's only the half of it, brutal and demonic enough in itself .... but it 'paves' the way for 'assaulting the defenseless' in thus orphaned places and spaces on even greater scales ... and 'grounds´ ... by such biocidal ways as GMOing, etc ..... like the latest greatest toxic maley way, fracking, creepily seepin along under the "freedom molecule" banner, .. best one to declare anybody wavin and sanctionin 'm antichrist on ... a factor that don't seem to figure, not even in cartoons, or is google hiding them all?? Being Jared Kushner's in lawpappy don't even come close.
Bethany McLean - Enron, Fraud, and Fracking
last 5 minutes on fracking ....
metastasis of 'diabolo bioci' thanatopia with money kept supercooled yet 'easy' so the frackers can insert their deadly extractive murder instruments to a perfectly plaguelike pitch. A deadly chem 'cucktail' in exchange for something to offer the gods of mobility frenzy. Look at Oz, no sooner has a gridlike pattern of perforation probes completed or groundwater lowers from all the seal breaking (if clay ain't THE material actualizing rather than symbolizing covenant with nature, i don't know what is).
This process not only causes life as we know it, from the weeest wes throughout entire watersheds, to change drastically, tragically, catastropically and terminally ... and that biocidality is way worse than the usual somanyeth oilwhip crack bubble addiction# and antichrist battlecry grunt punterism ["freedom molecule" in this case, don't bother looking for cartoons, there just about aren't any* ..
# = ziomoney meets thanatec. fracking hasn't made a fucking dime ...
* =
flushed by a freedom molecule flow ... gooooood riddance
... i shared a tumbler gif of a cardboard trump in a dumpster afloat in a flood
metastasis of 'diabolo bioci' thanatopia with money kept supercooled yet 'easy' so the frackers can insert their deadly extractive murder instruments to a perfectly plaguelike pitch. A deadly chem 'cucktail' in exchange for something to offer the gods of mobility frenzy. Look at Oz, no sooner has a gridlike pattern of perforation probes completed or groundwater lowers from all the seal breaking (if clay ain't THE material actualizing rather than symbolizing covenant with nature, i don't know what is).
This process not only causes life as we know it, from the weeest wes throughout entire watersheds, to change drastically, tragically, catastropically and terminally ... and that biocidality is way worse than the usual somanyeth oilwhip crack bubble addiction# and antichrist battlecry grunt punterism ["freedom molecule" in this case, don't bother looking for cartoons, there just about aren't any* ..
# = ziomoney meets thanatec. fracking hasn't made a fucking dime ...
* =
flushed by a freedom molecule flow ... gooooood riddance
... i shared a tumbler gif of a cardboard trump in a dumpster afloat in a flood