Wednesday, November 10, 2021

HArendtCSchmid ueber RevoRiten 1965

Hannah Arendt im Gespräch mit Carlo Schmid - Das Recht auf Revolution - 7.9K views -- Jan 4, 2021 ----- PhilosophieKanal
38K subscribers

was tun? CS: "..stein weiter zu werfen als sie bisher gefallen ist" .. utopoowoo pabulum und dann: "kanalisieren" .. "bauen wir schleusenwehren ein"

is he referring to the pythagorean tipping point? there where we can harvest biophotons from the future via our attention tool as Drew Hempel is finally, after typing it out in over 20 years long rehearsals at least once a week [if you count all exhaustive toot and bell registers into that 'once', and usually without variation, the canon chorus so to speak]? ... or to the leverage a faint incline provides water as dominion and true errant of duh gods, assaulted by the bad ones ... on a winning streak btw, rite as we speak.
is he referring the the three revolutions plus the remainder that makes for 'pi' to tippy topple all rigid notions of what inclines [and by 'extension' [[pun intended]] inclinations, volitions, voluntations] really are?
somewhere between the virtualized american and realist ziowedsino man of war against .. what? petty crime? i'm only 37m into the 1h47m worth of points Eric Striker makes about 'manwhoed'

10th of nov  / 315 :: 107 / k71
LoT 24th SE :::: CTC Crystal 2 : 310dotSR

New Israeli Film Paints Sympathetic Picture Of Jewish Terrorists Who Tried To Murder Millions
Eric StrikerSep 8, 2021 | 730 words 1,820
An upcoming Israeli film that sympathetically portrays a group of Jewish terrorists who attempted to murder millions of German civilians by poisoning their water supply is enjoying uncritical publicity in Zionist media.

The film, "Plan A," is based on a true story that director Yoav Paz extensively researched through recently unveiled testimony as well as the book Li Nakam Veshilem  (Vengeance and Retribution are Mine) by historian Dina Porat.

Following the end of the second world war, a group of approximately 50 Jews led by communist partisan and Israeli national poet Abba Kovner formed a group called "Nakam," or "the avengers."

The group concocted a scheme to infiltrate post-war Europe and kill millions of German citizens by adding arsenic to their drinking water -- a plot they called "Plan A." Were that to fail, they had a "Plan B" where they would poison German soldiers held in Allied prisoner of war camps. According to Kovner's testimony, the future first president of Israel Chaim Weizmann aided his organization in the operation.

missed in midoctober:
Striker and Borzoi discuss Wang Huning's book America Against America at Odysee
America Against America (amateur translation):,60wuceq9tydgs7h,2a5pmeiwwge3yzk,x6gxyyzhg2e7fxv/shared

WH is the chinese goebbels to XiPing who stopped sinomale woking via media [centrally] recently. He did what i took 6 years to do, in six months .. just before i was taking my 5th and final leave of  the US. He published a few years later [1991], well ahead of me [5 years]
 One of the major reasons the United States was a colony was that the land was already inhabited and owned by Europeans when they came across the ocean to the New World. These were the Indians. The earliest natives date back 10,000 years. in 1925, a black cowboy named George McJunkin found a pile of half-burned beast bones in the New Mexico area. According to scientists later analysis, these beasts were killed by hunters 10,000 years ago. Before this, it was generally believed that the indigenous history was only a few thousand years. So who were these people? Where did they come from? Since 1925, scientists have proven that indigenous people have lived on the American continent for at least 20,000 years. However, there are conflicting accounts of how they reached the American continent. One way is that during the Ice Age, there was no sea water in the Bering Strait and people could cross the Strait by land. The earliest natives may have come from Asia. The Indians look very similar to the Mongolians in terms of their appearance. There is some truth in this statement. However, some scientists are not convinced. Indian scholars, in particular, argue that such a theory denies the Indians' original ownership of American lands, since they also migrated from other lands. Where the Indians actually came from is a mystery, I'm afraid. The arrival of Europeans in the Americas created a clash of two cultures. The Europeans disdained the Indian culture and denounced it as inferior. The book America: Peoples and Values contrasts thedifferences between these two cultures. Indian culture includes elements of general culture: (1) ways of providing food, clothing, and shelter; (2) religious practices; (3) artistic creations; (4) group organization; and (5) means of transmitting culture. In Indian culture, these components have their own variety of special cultural phenomena. But Indians do not have Civilization, which is only available in Europe. Civilization includes: (1) advanced technology, such as the use of metals; (2) highly developed organization of life, such as cities; (3) intellectual achievements, such as calendars, writing, etc.; (4) division of labor. These latter, the Indians did not have. From a European cultural perspective, contempt for the Indians was natural. It was only after the 1960s that people began to learn to respect different cultures. Naturally, respecting a different culture is not the same as looking down on it. Americans today have this attitude toward many cultures. They are outwardly polite and respectful of a set of different cultures, but in reality they despise it - including, one might say, Japanese culture. In fact, the Indians of the Americas have amazing cultural achievements, such as the Mayan culture, Aztec culture, Inca culture and so on. But what is the reason why these cultures did not develop into modern civilization is, I am afraid, an unsolved mystery. In 1492, when Columbus arrived in the Americas, he mistook the Caribbean islands for "India" and called the people of those places "Indians". Later, he found out that it was a big mistake, so he made a mistake and called them Indians. If he had mistaken England for India, he would have changed his mind. When Europeans came to the American continent, they clashed with the Indians. It is said that Europeans brought various diseases to the American continent. The Europeans developed sets of medicines to deal with various diseases, while the Indians did not. At that time, the mortality rate in the villages was around 80 to 90 percent. Limirich said that in 1831. The famous French scholar Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, "Heaven did not make them civilized, they were doomed to die." White Americans today do not hold such a blatant notion as they did in the past, but another notion exists: God did not make them rich, they are doomed to poverty. Yes, a very strong notion. For the first time, there was a good relationship between Europeans and Indians. But those were the Europeans who first came to do business,not the settlers. Just like the Europeans who initially did business with the Chinese.

Sunday, November 07, 2021

La Palma - Der schlummernde Feuerdrache

schoene vogelklaenge 33. minute