Monday, April 27, 2020

Corona 37

nackte WAHRHEIT • Danke an Shiva Ayyadurai

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Waffenexporte ohne Moral? (probono-Magazin)

moral mit waffen hervor'rufen'? Einfach! Man zaubere wie folgt hervor: waehle ein gebiet in der naehe einer konfliktherd / -zone. Wende da die besten Permatricks an (Geoff Lawton material und aehnliches unverzueglich wenigstens die haelfte einer militaer ausbildung machen), Verleite und lade Konfliktteilnehmer zu dieses gebiet ein und verspreche schutz (mit eben diese als moralwafffen angemerkte mitteln garantierbar) so gut dass die eigene draussen gelassen werden kann, zonenschuetzlerdienste sind natuerlich als quasi quarantaene phase aufgaben auch zu erfuellen. Presto, ein frieden der anzieht, zeigt und waechst.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

WA4 WIDERSTAND aktuell: Impferpressung mit Gewalt! Christoph Hörstel 202...


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Robert F. Kennedy jr.: „Bill Gates’ globalistisch-diktatorische Impf-Age...

Apr 22, 2020
102K subscribers
1 second ago
bitte moeglichst schnell ein dickes video ueber judy mikovits .... bei Compact ist sie noch nit angekommen ueberigens ...

Geslechtsreibereien gibt's eben auch auf Verstands Ebene .. und wenn Mikovits nit ein ausgelesener Person ist um es Fauci und den ganzen FaustZunft heim zu zahlen, wer sonst? ich wuerd auch sagen .. heim zu mahlen .. wenn naemlich die kriegsbereiten und kriegsbereitenden reibereien gesuenden gibt's eis und stein, also fruchtbare reibereien zum zuwenden ... und stein auf stein ankurbelmurmeln muss ich doch wohl endlich kinder beibringen duerfen .. endlich mal nit mehr von falschbeschuldenlast 'zuvorgebeugt und herabgebrochkelt.
Ps: kann ich zu euch ziehen? ich kann hollaendish u english unterrichten ausser steinmehl als eckpfeiler hygiene zu baueme 'ueberpflrichten'

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Annie Jacobsen, "Operation Paperclip"

 nazis and the jews they experimented on?
it would be better to always say: nazis and their german as well as jewish vicitms ... iow, nazis and the peers they betrayed
nazis and the human family branches that decided their hybridity would be worth a try, trials, errors, changes, risks and grave dangers as it turned out. i know whereof i speak. The art of assimilation was mastered by native americans until they began to overwhelmed by great numbers with evil intent from getgo ... much due to the type of leaky formulation you are guilty of.

nazis are mixbreeds sacrificing the very base they sprouted from .. this happens again and again, i began fully realizing this in the early noughties reading about mixraces on turtle isle ... it's the price exacted for unchecked and rampant growth of mullticulture... jews actually fully figure this fact into their long term strategies btw .. which get danker and undeader accordingly ... capiche? ... duh glomo model sells reeeeel well rite now ..

this comment was refused [algorythms anyone?] here:
Kurt Blome and Ft. Detrick part 2 selected readings on bioweapons

Annie Jacobsen, "Operation Paperclip"

1,694,888 views ---Mar 15, 2014

2.4K --- Politics and Prose ==102K subscribers
Author Annie Jacobsen presents a fascinating topic from her new book, Operation Paperclip, and takes questions from the audience. This event was recorded February 26, 2014 at Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C.

Founded by Carla Cohen and Barbara Meade in 1984, Politics & Prose Bookstore is Washington, D.C.'s premier independent bookstore and cultural hub, a gathering place for people interested in reading and discussing books. Politics & Prose offers superior service, unusual book choices, and a haven for book lovers in the store and online. Visit them on the web at

Friday, April 17, 2020

Kurt Blome and Ft. Detrick part 2: selected readings on bioweapons

nazis and the jews they experimented on?
it would be better to always say: nazis and their german as well as jewish vicitms ... iow, nazis and the peers they betrayed
and the human family branches that decided their hybridity would be
worth a try, trials, errors, changes, risks and grave dangers as it
turned out. i know whereof i speak. The art of assimilation was mastered
by native americans until they began to overwhelmed by great numbers
with evil intent from getgo ... much due to the type of leaky
formulation you are guilty of.
nazis are mixbreeds sacrificing the
very base they sprouted from .. this happens again and again, i began
fully realizing this in the early noughties reading about mixraces on
turtle isle ... it's the price exacted for unchecked and rampant growth
of mullticulture... jews actually fully figure this fact into their long
term strategies btw .. which get danker and undeader accordingly ...
capiche? ... duh glomo model sells reeeeel well rite now .. 

Kurt Blome and Ft. Detrick part 2: selected readings on bioweapons

#LockdownTV: Swedish epidemiologist Prof Johan Giesecke

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

12.04.2020 | Beate Bahner, Corona-Rechtsanwältin entführt, misshandelt...

Monday, April 13, 2020


Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Am Telefon zum Gefahrenpotential der Corona-Viren: Claus Köhnlein

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Corona 17

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Not So Trusted Voices

Corona 12