Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Poisoned Fields - Glyphosate, the underrated risk? (HD 1080p)
youtube added a new feature called "Key Moments"
i'd love to save the ones here for/as a playlist but hey ... nobody said 'like, subscribe AND LIST to qualify for the top lister prizes' did dey??? --- 832 pages / seiten / paginas
in 3 SPRACHEN [abwechselnd, nit uebersetzt]
:: IN 3 LANGUAGES [alternatingly, not translated]
:::::: 3 TALIG [afwisselend, niet vertaald]
seiten 267 bis 593 ueber glyphosat
:: pages 267 to 593 on glyphosate
::::::: paginas 267 tot 593 over glyfosaat
Saturday, September 24, 2022
dumbinionish papist VS sovrin VS occupawn VS dumbonic PishPap VS Sovreignoid VS ABCetera
Acoustic Alchemy: Occupying the Land is NOT Sovereignty - the "right...: I'm watching this doc in my new playlist I made on this book I just ordered used! thanks “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Dom...
“The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code” ~ Steven Newcomb Shawna Bluestar Newcomb
Scott Ritter sagt Nato quaelt weiter
lese und schaure ... a typical / never fail Kissinger finale in the offing ???
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Glyphosate GLYFOSAT a deep curse
3 results
74 results .. but i had to fiddle w the url to get there .. and within 7 of them you are already thrown back as far as 2016 -- they prefer to rely on the strength of their memes lightfootedly and avoid the dank propawarz full of bribery and in your face monetized schizophrenia
won't load for at least a minute .. but then it does
In addition to the wind factor, glyphosate and AMPA can also attach to soil particles and leech into the surface water. In 2012, Horth analysed more than 75,000 samples of surface water taken from all over Europe. Glyphosate was found in one third of the samples in concentrations sometimes exceeding 300 µg per litre. AMPA was found in half of 57,000 analysed samples in concentrations sometimes exceeding 200 µg per litre. (To reiterate, the standard for drinking water is 0.1 µg per litre. However, not only surface water is contaminated. In 2013, Hoppe et al. showed that 44% of urine samples taken from 180 people in 18 European countries contained glyphosate. According to Violette Geissen, ‘This leads to the conclusion that the European Commission also needs to set standards for glyphosate and AMPA in soil and surface water as quickly as possible. The potential negative effects on soil biodiversity, aquatic life and people after being exposed to these substances are manifold. Considering the high levels of traces of glyphosate we found in soil across Europe, it is not prudent to extend the approval of glyphosate.’
4 citations as comments:
Navdanya “The Toxic Story of RoundUp: Freedom from the Poison Cartel through Agroecology”
22Mb - 82p
i am posting this in hopes of recruitng help, both physical [severe brainfog and recovery times 10 times longer than before the poisoning] and legal [breakthru multipronged courtcase plottes especially welcom.
if it does arrive, it will nevertheless be unexpected .. as the poison on my doorstep was .... --- 832 pages
on glyphosate between pages 267 to 593
.. IN 3 LANGUAGES, alternatingly .. as i wend myself this way and that, looking for detox .. chronologically from 2021 to now
this post links to an 82 page pdf from 2017
Glyphosate: Understanding Risks to Human Health
May 15, 2021
Just In Health
65.3K subscribers
Saturday, September 17, 2022
ist 'Trampf' US-FrackNazi? Korporativ Biozidaliker?
njet, mit nichten ... er hat die schizo waffe gegen denen gekehrt die es in 'eigenbelang' missbrauchen [schon millenia lang ueberigens]. seine worte waren gar und gar nit mit rusgas verbilligende taten zu reimen.
schizophrenie war mal in den anstalten verbannt aber wegen immer mehr chemie, nachdem Julius Hensel zu unrecht mit bestochenen justiz besiegt war, was mittlerweile ununterbrochenen tradition hat ... mit sehr wenigen ausnahmen .... vergleiche lose von Pilliod [Pilliod vs Monsanto] und Melody Boatner, .... breitete es sich aus und eroberte immer immunologik abtretbareren Posten: theater, politik und endlich Lebensgrundlagen industrie. Der Mensch ist ein vom Teufel zu sehr zugestelltes Tier als dass Gott es wieder gesunden kann?
dann muessen eben spinoza und piety piet her ....
ich hab ein paar hundert seiten in 3 [einander abwechselnden] sprachen ueber glyphosat bereitgestellt, hier: --- 832 pages
on glyphosate between pages 267 to 593
LNG ... ellen gee ... el endzjee ... elend wie noch nie .... schon jahrzehnte versuchen amerikaner [im sinne von EUfluechtlinge, sprich verraeter / flieher] verbliebene EUler mit in ihr dreck zu ziehen damit wir nur nit auf den gedanken kommen amerikaner [die echten] von solchen leuten zu retten, [sie zu repatriieren] und beschonen .. jetzt wollen zersetzer/besetzer solchen fuer vielen und vieles viel zu spaete massnahmen vorbeugen indem sie hinterlistbare laender mit ihr dafuer sehr geeigneten biozidalen drechk ueberziehen. Prost. Bitte schaut die Haut von der hoechst kompensierte Monsanto Opfer und schaure ....
The secret tactics Monsanto used to protect Roundup, its star product | Four Corners -- 1.3M views -- Oct 9, 2018 -- 16K - ABC News In-depth -- 1.12M subscribers ---- Four Corners investigates the secret tactics used by global chemical giant #Monsanto to protect its billion-dollar business and its star product — the weed killer, #Roundup. ----
Nazis? Altmeierlinge die die ARD an "schutz", "LNG" u "freundschaft" verbinden kann und offenbar mag. Warum sonst in den letzten Satz? Bissl provokatieren? Das sind die Corporativen / Biozidalen ... janz einfach nit?
uebrigens, Pilliod vs Monsanto war ein aehnlicher Rechtsgang wie der Johnson ... aber Melody Boatner, mitten in MonsantoLand [iowa] bekommt nix von niemanden ... wie ich hier bei rotterdam, vergiftet von 'tokkie satanisten' [die ganz unschuldig reflexiven 'fussfassfoelker, .. machen sie grad breit, ein gedei auf verderb, dank Zo[r]gPorn Hochkonjunktur]
18/9 ---- 6seed ---k123 --- 27-lunar
Zur Vorgeschichte des Ukraine-Kriegs 2022 - Trump's Kampf: US-Frackinggas (LNG) vs. Nord Stream 2
213 views --- Sep 17, 2022 - MrMarxismo --- 37.6K subscribers - Jürgen Rose [Oberstleutnant a.D.] und anderen hier:
Geht mit uns am 1. Mai auf die Straße, lasst uns als Klasse kämpfen!
Wir sagen: habt Mut zu kämpfen und habt Mut zu siegen – für das Ende des Kapitalismus!
Quelle = Panorama 3 NDR ----- Gasversorgung Wie die USA Deutschland bedrängen
ARD idyuden bringen groesste bruchstellen [teufelanlandungsplaetze] fuer LNG › 2022 › 09 › 13 › lng-terminal-in-stade-land-stellt-finanzierung-sicher
LNG-Terminal in Stade: Land stellt Finanzierung sicher
5 days agoStade gehört, ebenso wie die zwei Standorte in Wilhelmshaven (einer in Brunsbüttel sowie ein weiterer in Lubmin,) zu den fünf Standorten in Deutschland, an denen zeitnah schwimmende LNG .
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Alain Soral sur l'UKRAINE et la RUSSIE
Unholy Q classification history of bats and napalm - Klaus Schwab flamethrowers bioweapons
Alain Soral : D'où vient le virus covid 19?
1K views --- Jun 21, 2021 --------- Gens de la Beauce
43 subscribers
Sunday, September 04, 2022
Mister Metokur on duh JoshWiz
this video can be found ... one version has a white thumb and shows up in my suggs even .....
meanwhile ....
26/12 ------------------ 2nite ------- k223 ---- 15-rhythmic
Aren’t you going to tell me about Christmas in B? What is was like? E’en the smallest detail. Thay are always the best
the village is dead ... or i am
day before yesterday i went to the big town on the river for the sourdough pumpkin and linseed bread ... told the reform shop keepstresss [a new face in the 3 woman team last i was there quite a few months ago] a short version of my woes and was tempted to call her to tie up some loose ends afterwards but didn't cause i got busy removing stinky waters from various containers; it's the fallen leaf fouling in water ... the 'bagger' scent. ... the birds were voracious during the cold days but as soon as we got back to 5 and up they take a break from eating
this morning around 5 i heard the first few notes of the next season .. the blackbird was singing constantly for weeks until his mate came out of hiding . but she soon tolerated him cause i made sure both had enuff
even a few worms have sorta survived the brief freeze that allowed one day of skating pleasure ... observed only by the most eager, .. to the north a few marathons were had on flooded fields.
i went and got milk ... made a back up .. got a mastodon account, started sleeping upstairs again, under down instead of the heavy cold stuff in the cold part of the house .... like during my first recovery from chemo period .....
i am losing the desire to write and i am sorry for your sake
i can't even go on a big rant to Metokur who does an account of the specialist pageant all eager to take turns on him
at 4h45 Metokur does a med run-in recap ... but no mention of his covid stream episodes whatever. to be fair many others scrape by with barely a mention.