Monday, February 19, 2024

PermaKultur Studie Papua NZ&AUS

10:17 REECE .... or Brice .. Brees?
 Pk Studienreise NZ&AUS - Was habe ich gelernt? Wie geht es weiter - ZD Update Mai 2019
Zirkeldreher Permaculture-Design
8.87K subscribers ------------ 1,721 views  May 17, 2019
Zusammenfassung meiner Lernerfahrung meiner Permakultur Studienreise von Januar bis April durch La Palma, Thailand, Bali, aber v.a. Neuseeland und Australien.

Themen: Permakultur, Paradies in Australien, Ausbeutung des Planeten, Songlines, Aborigniee Kultur, Papua Neuguinea, Überbevölkerung... puh... das ist nur angerissen... ich habe nicht umsonst ne Stunde gebraucht... und das sind nur Lernerfahrungen, nicht Erlebnisse... dafür bräuchte ich auch noch mal Videos :D
#Permakultur #Neuseeland #Studienreise

Weitere Projekte von mir:

Wer mich unterstützen mag:

Hier geht es zu meinem Buch über Permakultur:

Hier geht es zu meinem Spiel und Pflanzenpotraitkarten:

charlie von
formidable vegetable soundsystem
permie tunes

19/02 --------- 5wind  -------- k122 ---- 13/07: {lot} - 23/02: {ctc}

5jh macht ZD ungefaehr das gleiche wie sein heutiger video ...
Deutsche Querdenker in Paraguay [Antwort auf ARTE TV] Indira spricht über El Paraiso Verde
El Paraiso Verde in Paraguay
6.6K views 4 days ago

RawFut in blauer vierrad sigarre diesmal .. 1200k in 5T
neuer kanal? gemeinschaften
8J mit Borreliose
ZD 5ya
ueber Hambacher

this longer one prolly on the rewilderer on ozzie coast:

Friday, February 16, 2024

Peter Sloterdijk ueber verstrahlenden

17/02 ------- 3Sun ----------- k120 ---- 11/07: {lot} - 21/02: {ctc}

i've known for a long time PS is kinda like my apostle John ... but not till this morning did i realize how close and accurate his diagnosis of work by the likes of me is!!!
He warned me at the massive massively critical and watershed moment i was about to unleash untold harm on humanity in that this [lofi] recording was made the very year i provided readers with a mediummistshtick manuel that retained plenny of attraction even if and long after being emptied, hollowed, tortured, mangled poisoned and torn to shreds .. exactly the type of radiation danger Sloterdijk speaks of here ... first 3 minutes of part 2 .. about halfway thru the 'fifth freedom' speech in front of a large audience .. and prolly still inspired from a meet up. I think i visited a total of twice in the latter half of the nineties ... but it might have been the eighties ....... Lyme has been eating my memory since then and lately assisted by Glyphosate ... better ease away and prepare goodbye now if you care to let me know you care.

de reeds vollends fahlenden en gevallenen zien reikhalsend uit naar mijn wrederblomst

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Episode #98: Bitten with Kris Newby
betterhealthguy may 2019
 Episode #98: Bitten with Kris Newby
11.2K subscribers -------- 8,846 views  May 23, 2019  BetterHealthGuy Blogcasts

 "Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons".

About My Guest:

My guest for this episode is Kris Newby.  Kris Newby is an award-winning science writer at Stanford University and the senior producer of the Lyme disease documentary, Under Our Skin, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and was a 2010 Oscar semifinalist.  She has two degrees in engineering, a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and a Master’s degree from Stanford University.  Previously, she was a technology writer for Apple and other Silicon Valley companies. She lives in Palo Alto, CA.

Key Takeaways:

- How did it feel to be a senior producer on "Under Our Skin"?
- What did Willy Burgdorfer share in the early interviews for the film?
- How did Willy discover the spirochete that other scientists had missed?
- What were the goals of the biological weapons program?
- Is Lyme disease the result of the bioweapons program or a natural occurrence?
- What organisms were part of the cocktail that Willy was experimenting with?
- What is the "Swiss Agent" and the role it may play in the Lyme disease epidemic?
- What is the "Anthrax Hotel" and the "Eight Ball"?  What happened to those that were part of the experiments at the "Eight Ball"?
- What role do viruses and parasites play in Lyme disease?
- Was Willy a good guy or a bad guy?  
- Did Willy's own death from Parkinson's disease potentially result from his own experiments?

Connect With My Guest:

Interview Date: May 22, 2019


'Bitten' author had a dad who worked on keyhole [hubble tec] in it's spy sat stage ... size of a bus back then .. . on display briefly as honeytrap

she was this week's guest on The Duke Report
1h13 forward we hear some book recomms for those with a stomach for them ...
i did not catch the title of the one by and/or on Elanor dulles [fed reserve // social security] .. a novel by her kids[?] who made sport of blackmailing each other before applying such a 'skill' to the world ...

legacy of ashes
cassidy's run
devil's chessboard
i quote her words from the last minutes [1h26m in]:
i do believe that most researchers, scientists and people are essentially good but it's the systems, the incentives, that make things go awry //END QUOTE
this is why formalism and agendation must be done right.
for a few years now, i have occasionally repeated the comparison of sieves with sheetified / cheatified 'screenings' .... 'flatland grids and matrices, .. a deep topic sure to rise hi .. if experience is any indication ...


 14/02 -------13Earth -------- k117 ---- 08/07: {lot} - 18/02: {ctc}

i have neither courage, fortitude, or stamina enough left to actually watch it ... but if ...
16 seconds w last breath of a little girl

Bonus material in supporting role:

14/02 -------13Earth -------- k117 ---- 08/07: {lot} - 18/02: {ctc}

 PASCAL & NIETZSCHE: The Enlightenment’s Malcontents
essentialsalts ---- 30.7K subscribers ---- 10K views  2 weeks ago  
you neglected to play the mirror game ... evil people wagering on improbability of maximum blowback neatly overlapping with their per- and inverse larp of 'surely [evreebloddee can see and we wager will attest] we're only trying to prevent the worst' [at the very least those who buy and pay for it, riiiiiiite?]